This page is not controlled by it's original owner. It was deleted from Neocities, but I recovered it. The below page is from 2023-09-20 and will not be updated.
Last Updated: 2023-20-08
IMPORTANT: This is the description of Anastasia's rules and expectations from any male partners or lovers. DO NOT BE OFFENDED IF YOU DO NOT MEET THESE REQUIREMENTS; ANASTASIA JUST (MOST LIKELY) WILL NOT CONSIDER YOU AS A MALE COMPANION. That does not mean Anastasia does not like you or will not be friends with you. ANASTASIA DOES NOT CONDONE ANOREXIA OR ANY OTHER HARMFUL ACTIVITIES.
The height must be 180 cm or taller (which is 5'11"). Anastasia is around 160 cm tall and prefers taller men. Though she prefers taller people, it is not that big of a deal if you are below 5 feet 11 inches. Hair color must be either dirty blonde or brown; dying hair is allowed, but only natural colors. Eye color can be either brown, green, or hazel; blue eyes are allowed if they're dark blue only. Hair length must be up to at least ear length. Ear length is ideal for Anastasia, but buzz cuts are okay too if youre, like, in the military. Wavy or straight hair is preferred as well. You must have absolutely zero body hair. LITERALLY NONE. AT. ALL. Anastasia seriously doesn't like body hair. It makes her feel sick. Hair that is forbidden includes armpit hair, pubic hair, facial hair, and arm hair. NO EXCEPTIONS. Your BMI must be 19 or lower, and you must have little muscle and little body fat. You must be a straight, cis male with XY chromosomes and working genitalia. Anastasia prefers a partner of European descent. That does not make Anastasia racist; based on Anastasia's past crushes, the majority of them have been European. You must be pale; no self-tanning or tanning in general; that is not ideal. You must look pretty well put together—not too fancy, but not like a bum or something either. SPORTS WEAR IS NOT ALLOWED. If you do, don't wear them. Throw them in a fire. If you still are not sure what the hell Anastasia is talking about, some very good examples of Anastasia's type include: Cal Gabriel, Tate Langdon, Donnie Darko, and Archibald Holden Buster Williams (yeah, who the fuck would name their kid that?). I am not saying you have to look exactly like themm but apperence should look something like that.
If you are religious, that is okay; I do not care if you are Catholic, Christian, Agnostic, atheist, etc., whatever it is. Don't expect me to have the same religious beliefs; I will not change my opinions for you, no matter how much I like or love you. I understand that some religions do not accept homosexuals and transexuals, but I do not care about homophobia as long as you don't like murdering gay people. Understand that we are each our own person; if you want to own me, then leave me alone for ever and end your life. Do not judge me or make me feel ashamed for my opinions. This does not mean you agree with everything I say and dick ride me 24/7; there is a very clear difference. You can always have a discussion with me about what you think of my beliefs. You can leave me whenever you want if anything I do upsets you, but communicate with me that what I did was upsetting. If you think pedophilia is disgusting and you want to never talk to me again because I have strong opinions on it, then leave or accept that it's okay for other people to have opinions. Never shun me. Do not message me saying you want to be with me forever if you don't want to; do not message me if you do not want a future with me till death. Do not waste my time. Do not message me if you are not committed. Don't be a dumdum and insult others using slurs; I don't care if you yourself can say them. Do not use words like nigger and faggot in your everyday vocabulary; it's unnecessary and unnatractive. Do not be harmful or hurt others. You can always have your own opinions; just please don't hurt others. I will not want anything to do with you. You must message me directly about your depression and your illness in full detail. I will not respond to you if your email looks immature or lazy. I have talked to many people who struggle alledgedly with depression and all sound the same.
You need to be seriously depressed and alone; you need to have problems that you think nobody understands. Do not email me if you just get sad on occasion. They are not at all the same. Do not email me if youre trying to recover.
Recreational use of marijuana is prohibited (around Anastasia or not, it doesn't matter). It smells rancid and is, in my opinion, the most disgusting thing you can choose to put in your body. It's trashy and gross. Don't use it. Edibles may be an example, depending on the occasion: 3. E-cigarettes are also gross and will never be allowed around Anastasia, and if she truly loves you, she will not allow you to use them. Using literally any other type of drug is never okay, and Anastasia will break up with you faster than the speed of fucking light. I do not care if the fucking pope showed up at your fucking door and told you to drink his holy liquor; do not drink past being a little tipsy. Beer is the most disgusting and unattractive drink ever, and Anastasia will need to stay approximately 8 meters away from you if it is ingested. Vodka is allowed, mixed with other drinks, but never alone. Cigarettes, on the other hand (just regular tabacco cigarettes), are one of the few "drugs" that are allowed with anastasia. You may smoke cigarettes around Anastasia, but do not be a chain smoker; do not smoke a pack a day, just on occasion. One other drug you may use around anastasia or just alone is nitrous oxide. Anastasia has had only good experiences with nitrous oxide and will allow you to use this and only this inhalant. If you do not agree with what I have said about these drugs, and which are okay and which are not okay, and will continue to use other drugs while dating Anastasia (meaning lie to her), she will break up with you. If you use any of the drugs mentioned above and continue to use them after reading Anastasia's terms and conditions, leave. You are not and will never be the one for Anastasia. Anastasia has only used alcohol and some opioids, but she recognizes that was in her past, and at the moment she is sober and does not use drugs regularly.
Do not tell Anastasia to feel differently; do not tell me that I SHOULD be feeling differently; do not demand that I get better; do not control me. I am fully contemptuous of the way I feel, and I've felt this way for a long time. I don't need you to save me. Don't come to me with the intent of making me better. I do not want to feel better. Do not tell me that I shouldn't cut myself; do not tell me that you hate my scars. You can comfort me by telling me it's okay and that you care about me regardless of the past or dumb things I do. Do not tell me I need to eat; tell me my body is perfect the way that it is. Do not tell me that I am unhealthy; do not tell me that there is anything wrong with me; understand that I am perfectly sane; do not tell me I am anything different. You may suggest things that you think will make me feel better, but do not expect me to be cured or whatever because you're around. If Anastasia tells you that she loves you, then she is telling the truth. When I say something, I mean it with my whole heart, not just in a relational sense. Never lie to me in any sense; do not go away even If I specifically tell you too, the chances are that I don't want you to leave. Communication is key, but comprehension is a very close second. If I tell you what I want at the moment, then you need to fully understand why I said what I said and if it means I need something from you. Understand me. Don't just disagree with me and agree with everything that I say. I want you to be able to say everything you want to say. I want to be able to communicate with you very easily and naturally. If we don't just click, then I don't want to waste time on spending time on a potential relationship. There is most definitely the love of my life somewhere out there. People don't just find someone and try hard to make it work. If you have a problem with my way of life, leave me alone. I'll do the same with you.
Do not think that you are the one if you are a facist; facists are full of extreme hate, and it's super silly and weird. Do not think you are right for me if you're a downright nihilist; Anastasia is an EFILIST. Nhilism has to be one of the dumbest things I have ever heard, and I will not get along with you if you identify with that type of philosophy. Do not think you are the one if you use emojis or slang. I physically cannot deal with slang; it's too confusing and stupid, and I just hate it, so don't use it. For example: Ong, Oml, bro, bruh, finna, talm, goofy, wack... you get the point. Just don't do it unless you want me to hate you. Do not work out; do not call yourself a gym rat. I prefer very, very slim men. Like, whatever image you have right now of a skinny man, make them thinner. Use proper English, but not so properly that you sound like a retard. Obviously, Anastasia uses abbreviations like lol, and other words like kek or lel. I mostly use them ironically, and saying such is always okay and cute. An absolute dealbreaker is being a suicide prevention activist. Suicide prevention is selfish and downright disgusting, and if you think differently and do not plan on changing your opinion on it, then I do not want a relationship with you. You cannot be in recovery, and you cannot force me to recover. If you do not love me and accept me as I am, I do not want a relationship with you. Do not have girl friends; family members are obviously okay, but do not have close relationships with a girl. I am all you should ever need. If you disagree with that, then leave!